Hello my dear friends, I am Sunny, I am an entrepreneur, cook, food blogger, photographer, actor, dancer instructor, engineer and many more yet to be explored.
My passion for cooking and food blogging started by making simple dish to my friends. We planned a get together at one of my friends place and they asked me to try to learn cooking. As I am interested in cooking and love to learn new things, I gave it a try.

Fortunately, it turned out to be fantastic dish and every one of them loved it (it was a simple vegetable curry). That day changed my perspective towards cooking and I started cooking more and I tried to make even more challenging dishes including baking. Also, I started to post on social media.

Posting on social media gave me again different perspective. So now, not only I cook but also style my food to make it look good. That's not it. I bought a digital camera to take good pictures but I was unable to take good pictures. Problem was i was unable to use digital camera in a professional way. So I started watching YouTube videos and ask my friends for tips and started practicing. Within a short time I was able to take good pictures and my feed was getting beautiful, colorful and better for every single post.

It didn't stop there, I was following famous food bloggers who had website for their blogging. Being a developer and food blogger I wanted to build my own website for my blogging.

Finally, here I am sharing my knowledge and passion to the world. Hope you guys enjoy my blog.

Thank you very much for visiting my website and reading this content. It means a lot to me.

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